The Next Gen

Zoe Brandt
2 min readOct 16, 2020

Gen-Z. What a fine time to be alive. If you were born between 1996 and 2015 ( I was ) then you are Generation Z. The generation also known as Gen Tech, post-millenials, iGeneration, Gen Y-Fi, and Zoomers. If you were born in Gen-Z then you are between the ages of 24 and 5. I sure as heck don’t know why we started naming our generations, and that is not the question I’m answering today. Today I will name the next generation. I know it has already been named. Personally I don’t like the name Gen-Alpha. Now let’s consider what has gone on so far. A world wide pandemic for starters. “ Covid Babies “ is not how I’m branding the new generation. I will now explain the changes I am about to make to Gen Z to allow the next generation to be properly named and documented. I am predicting the next baby boom to happen from 2020 to at least 3 years after the Coronavirus ends. I think I will completely change Gen Z’s timeline to 1996 to 2019. So now anybody who is a “ Zoomer” is 24 to 1. Now the baby boom that I am predicting will be the start of my new generation. I will now explain my name choice. Well let’s go back to the whole reason for the baby boom. You have been alone with your partner for 200 something days so far! Honestly, what else were you doing. Another reason is that partners may be reunited after the quarantine and what else would they do to celebrate? So in honor of that rejoining I have picked a special name for this generation. I am calling it Generation Tandem or Gen T. Tandem is Latin for ” at last ”. Naming “ Gen Alpha ” Gen T will restart the alphabet so we won’t have to overthink the names of generations until we make it back to X. Sure Gen A would do that too but Gen T has more meaning. I will end my generation in the year 2035. In the year 2036 anyone born in Gen T will be between the ages of 16 and 1.

Zoe Brandt



Zoe Brandt

I just write as a hobby. Nothing special at all.